Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 5

Field Study Week 5:
Friday, November 5

It is 3:15 pm at my spot. The current air temperature is 41˚ F. The clouds are very dark and seem to be moving pretty fast. The trees look pretty barren of leaves and look like they are out of a horror movie. The sun is not shining and the wind is frigid. When I was driving here, there were snowflakes blowing into my windshield and the snowflakes are very visible now that I sit here too. Current length of day is 10 hours 7 minutes 43 seconds. The entire atmosphere feels like it is from a horror movie, between the cold wind, barren trees, and dark clouds. I hope that the snow accumulates because I love snow! I also wonder if the pond here will freeze over.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the snow...if it's going to be cold, it might as well be fun :)
