Sunday, November 28, 2010

Visit 7

November 23, 2010

Its a pretty beautiful day today at 5 pm, with an air temperature of 41˚. There is a few wispy clouds in the sky and there isn’t much wind. Everything seems pretty still right now. The length of day is 9 hours 23 minutes and 3 seconds. The pond looks very still and quiet right now. The colors have gotten pretty dull and the leaves are no longer on the trees. I am pretty glad to be done with this project because it is kind of a pain to drive all the way out to Zeeland. It has been kind of relaxing just to sit and observe nature for a few months though.

I did my EDD on a poster so I will bring it to class on Monday!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 6

Week 6:
November 14
I am here today and its around 4:00. The air temperature is 45˚degrees. Todays day length is 9 hours 49 minutes and 13 seconds. The atmosphere looks very golden brown for some reason today. The sun is shining very hard and reflecting off the plants to make everything look gold. Despite looking warm, it’s actually pretty chilly out. The wind is blowing pretty intensely and feels cold against my skin. The sky looks very beautiful today. There is a little bit of everything up there. There is a few big dark clouds, a few white clouds, and the shining sun. It’s really pretty and makes me visualize God creating it all. 

As you can see from this picture, the sky is so beautiful. How can you look at that sky and think there is no God? 
"In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." (Job 12:10)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 5 Continued

When I was taking the temperature of the pond, I saw what looked to be a weed at first glance. When I picked it up, I noticed that there was little mushrooms growing off the plant. I think this is some sort of fungus. I thought it was really cool because I didn't know fungus could look like this.

Week 5

Field Study Week 5:
Friday, November 5

It is 3:15 pm at my spot. The current air temperature is 41˚ F. The clouds are very dark and seem to be moving pretty fast. The trees look pretty barren of leaves and look like they are out of a horror movie. The sun is not shining and the wind is frigid. When I was driving here, there were snowflakes blowing into my windshield and the snowflakes are very visible now that I sit here too. Current length of day is 10 hours 7 minutes 43 seconds. The entire atmosphere feels like it is from a horror movie, between the cold wind, barren trees, and dark clouds. I hope that the snow accumulates because I love snow! I also wonder if the pond here will freeze over.