Thursday, September 23, 2010

Visit #2

Thursday, September 23:
It is 4:15 in the afternoon right now and this is our second visit to my natural area. The temperature is VERY warm- 84 degrees. It is cloudy and a little windy. The sun is not very intense today because the sky is very cloudy but I can still feel the warmth. According to the internet, the length of today is 12 hours 7 minutes 8 seconds. The only wildlife I am seeing is butterflies flying above the grass. The long grass is swaying with the heavy winds. It smells very fresh again today, with a hint of manure. The crickets are chirping, and I see swarms of birds flying overhead. I start to get itchy eyes and sniffle my nose as allergy season is here. This is a prime spot to make allergies act up. I wonder what the plants are called that are giving me this reaction; maybe pollen and grass. I need to go home and take allergy medicine now. :)... I also found a very cool bug as we were leaving. I added a picture of me holding him. I think he was some sort of grasshopper. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EDD Diagram w/ NO Data

Hypothesis: If I measure water temperature and air temperature from September to December, then air temperature will have a bigger temperature decrease from the first trial to the last because the air cools down faster than water.

5 Controlled Variables: Same location for air temperature measurement, same thermometer, same amount of time the thermometer is exposed to pond/air, thermometer at same pond depth every trial, measures of variable same every time: degrees in Fahrenheit.
Materials Needed: Thermometer measured in degrees in Fahrenheit,
Step-by-step Procedure: (NEED TO ADD PICTURES)

  1. Expose thermometer in chosen part of pond for 30 seconds. Record degrees in Fahrenheit at 30 seconds.

  2. Repeat two more times and record.

  3. Expose thermometer in chosen plot of land for 30 seconds. Record degrees in Fahrenheit at 30 seconds.

  4. Repeat two more times and repeat.

  5. Average three trials for each variable and record.   

30 Second Blog

Field Entry #1

Map B